News Room

Canada's immigration strategy

Nov 01, 2023

Following Millers' announcement, IRCC released its new strategic report so that stakeholders are informed of the department's intentions.

Among the issues IRCC is pursuing include better aligning the needs of the labour market with the immigration system, modernizing the immigration system to allow newcomers to easily submit and track their applications digitally, improving IRCC's application processing service standard, helping smaller communities attract and retain more newcomers, and promoting francophone immigration in communities across Canada.

In the report, IRCC has identified three pillars and a number of actions to take to maintain Canada's status as a destination of choice for newcomers:

- Create a more welcoming experience for newcomers
- Align immigration with labour market needs
- Develop a comprehensive and coordinated growth plan

Immigration Levels Plan to be released on November 1

Today's announcement is ahead of the unveiling of the Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026.

The Canadian government is legally required to release the plan by November 1st each non-election year.

The plan outlines the number of permanent residents that Canada aims to admit over the next three years from across all classes and further breaks down the permanent resident levels by program.

Watch the announcement